Thank you for your interest in Juice Plus+!
Everyone wants to eat right and maintain a healthier lifestyle—whether you're a busy mom hustling to feed on-the-go children,
a business traveler trying to stay fit, or an active boomer keeping up with grandkids.
Unfortunately, maintaining a balanced nutritional diet is often a challenge.
In simplest terms, healthy eating is about getting back to basics − by following the latest USDA guidelines, like those from USDA’s My Plate.
The current recommendation for a healthy diet is to fill half your plate at each meal with fruits and vegetables.
But healthy eating takes time, planning, and can cost a lot of money.
Most of us suffer from a daily fruit and vegetable consumption gap as a result.
Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, Juice Plus+ products can help
you fill that hole in your diet.
Here's to healthier lifestyles!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Julie Corey